Become a Business Partner Today!

Become a business partner and increase your business network! As an ARMA business partner, you’ll have unique opportunities to interact with local records professionals and businesses.

To become a business partner, please click on the button below, or email questions to Michael Courtney. We’re excited to start working with you!



Benefits of Becoming an ARMA Business Partner:

  • 1 year linked ad on the ARMA Utah – Salt Lake Chapter Website
  • Recognition of Sponsorship at all events
  • Vendor booth and registration(s) to Spring Seminar
  • Advertisement in Spring Seminar program*
  • Your promotional item(s) included in the Spring Seminar participant bag*
  • List of Spring Seminar registrants
  • Exclusive sponsorship of 1 or 2 monthly chapter meetings*

* Not for all Contribution levels

For more information please download our Business Partner Handout


Benefits by Contribution Level

$1500 (limit 1)
LunchSpring Seminar
1-year linked advertisement on our websiteXXXX
1 registration to the Spring SeminarXX
2 registrations to the Spring SeminarXX
1 booth at the Spring SeminarXXXX
Program list of Spring Seminar registered participantsXXXX
Recognition of sponsorship level at all eventsXXXX
Promotional item in Spring Seminar participant bagXXX
Exclusive sponsorship of one (1) monthly meetingXX
Exclusive sponsorship of two (2) monthly meetingsX
Half-page ad in Spring Seminar programX
Full-page ad in Spring Seminar programX
Exclusive recognition as the official sponsor of the Spring SeminarX
Logo in Spring Seminar programX
Promotional video shown during breaksX