For our October meeting we welcome Andrew Ysasi back to speak to our chapter about cybersecurity and information governance. He will be speaking specifically about the challenges cybersecurity professionals face every day and how we as IG professionals can be an ally and a resource to them as they defend our organization from cyberattacks.
Come learn about some of their challenges, joint issues and specific questions to ask cybersecurity professionals.
Who is Andrew Ysasi? Andrew is a subject matter expert, writer, sought after speaker, and past university instructor. As Vice President of Advocacy at Vital Records Control, he is tasked with mentoring, educating, volunteering, and advocating for all matters related to records management and information governance (IG).
When: Thursday, October 15, 2020 11:30am -1pm
Where: Zoom
Registration for this event is closed. If you missed this event and would like to view the presentation please go to “Presentations from Monthly Chapter Meetings“. Thank you for attending your ARMA Utah Chapter.