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Opportunities & Announcements

In Opportunities & Announcements

Call for Board Nominations

Hello ARMA Utah Salt Lake Chapter members! It’s that exciting time of year when we get to nominate and elect next year’s ARMA Board members! Our past-past-president, Kendra Yates, has volunteered to head up the nomination committee. A huge thank you to her!! The following positions have terms ending this year or needing to be filled:

  • President
  • Programming Director
  • Public Affairs Director
  • Hospitality Director
  • Secretary

Fortunately, the members in three of these positions are able (and have volunteered) to serve another term! Thank you to:

  • Renee Wilson (president) 
  • Michael Courtney (public affairs), and 
  • Halene Inoke (hospitality)

In the interest of being democratic and transparent and providing growth opportunities for our members, we are accepting nominations for any of the five positions, but Programming Director and Secretary are our top priority, as they will be empty without your help.

Please let Kendra know if you would like to nominate someone for any of these positions, or if you would like to volunteer for any of these positions. Just reply directly to Kendra Yates via email.

Here is more information about what people in these positions are expected to do:

Programming Director (1-year term)

  • Attend monthly board meetings (virtually or in person)
  • Chair the Education Committee, which does the following:
    • Plan and organize monthly chapter meetings (excepting December and June, which are social events)
    • Plan and organize the spring seminar 
  • Assist the President with Chapter administration, and conduct meetings in the president’s absence

Secretary (2-year term)

  • Attend monthly board meetings (virtually or in person)
  • Document happenings at board meetings and create meeting minutes
  • Attend monthly chapter meetings and document meetings by taking and preserving photographs of the event
  • Manage the chapter’s records

President (1-year term)

  • Provide strategic direction for the Chapter and propose goals and objectives to the Board
  • Plan and facilitate monthly board meetings and an annual planning board meeting (virtually or in person)
  • Attend or designate an alternate to attend the annual ARMA International Conference, if possible
  • Ensure the renewal and preservation of corporate, tax, bank and legal records as required by law

Public Affairs Director (2-year term)

  • Attend monthly board meetings (virtually or in person)
  • Work to promote the Chapter
  • Establish and maintain relationships for the Chapter with government, the business community, vendors, and the media
  • Work to secure vendor sponsorship of the spring seminar

Hospitality Director (2-year term)

  • Attend monthly board meetings (virtually or in person)
  • Attend chapter meetings in person and handle the social aspects of the meetings (i.e., food and setup)
  • Plan and coordinate Chapter social events in December and June

You can find additional details in our by-laws or on ARMA Int’l’s website.

Thank you so much for all the ways you contribute to our chapter and to the IG and RIM professions!

In Opportunities & Announcements

ARMA Pacific Region’s Region Virtual Leadership Conference

Join other ARMA Pacific Region members for the annual Region Leadership Conference! The virtual program will be designed to promote interaction between attendees and build leadership skills that build careers. Some topics will include:

  • Chapter website continuity issues
  • HQ Update Discussions
  • Q&A group discussion on making chapter meetings more interactive
  • Chapter Leader boot camp (Breakout Sessions)
  • and more!

Where: Zoom
When: July 22, 2021 from 2-4pm PDT
Price: Free! (with ARMA membership)
Invited: Everyone!

Register Now!

You will receive directions via email on how to connect to Zoom for the Virutal RCL on or before July 19, 2021. Presentation/videos will be posted by July 19th to give you background information about the RLC sessions.

In Opportunities & Announcements

New ARMA Utah Site and Logo Completed

Old Logo
New Logo

We are pleased to announce the completion of our new website. My website committee has spent countless hours perfecting and polishing the website so that it is useful and practical while also being aesthetically pleasing. You may also have noticed that in addition to a new look for our website, we also have a new look for our old logo! This new logo was redrawn by me and comes in both white and black. I am so grateful for all of the work my committee put in and for the support of the ARMA Utah Chapter Board of Directors.

Haley Dunkley, BYU
ARMA UT, Website Designer

In Opportunities & Announcements

ARMA Las Vegas Meeting Opportunity

The ARMA Silver State Chapter has invited members of the ARMA Salt Lake Chapter to attend a program featuring Sue Trombley on Wednesday, September 12, 2018. Ms. Trombley is a dynamic and excellent presenter, and will speak on “Leaning Into Disruption: Advancing RIM and Your Career.”

To register, visit Registration is $15. Contact David Fleming for possible carpool options.

Flyer for ARMA Silver State meeting, September 2018

Advancing RIM and Your Career FLYER


In Opportunities & Announcements

Congratulations to our Award Winners and Welcome New Board!

The Chapter’s closing social was a “sweet” end to a successful and educational chapter year!  (If you don’t believe me, check out this picture of one of the decadent ice cream concoctions ordered at Leatherby’s!)  

Congratulations to all of the award winners this year:

  • Chapter Member of the Year:   Susan Mumford
  • Chapter Leader of the Year:   Mandy McClellan
  • Chapter Business Partner of the Year:   American Shredding
  • Special Service to the Chapter:   David Fleming

Renee Wilson accepting the scholarship award from Bonnie Banks

Also awarded was the Chapter’s first ever membership scholarship award.  It was awarded to Renee Wilson.  She receives a one year membership in ARMA International and the Chapter.  Congratulations Renee!  We look forward to the value you will add to our Chapter!

And, lastly, we say goodbye to the outstanding leadership of Bonnie Banks and welcome a new Board.  Bonnie guided this chapter through a successful year and we are all grateful for her leadership!

The new chapter Board was sworn in at the closing social:

  • Immediate Past-President:  Bonnie Banks
  • President:  Mandy McClellan
  • Vice-President:  Todd Johnson
  • Secretary:  Kendra Yates
  • Treasurer:  Cindi Mansell
  • Membership:  James Madsen
  • Public Affairs:  Colleen Mulvey


In Opportunities & Announcements/ President's Message

Message from the 2016-2017 President, Chris Calton

Dear Chapter Members:

As you know, our closing social event was last week at Delton Bowling.  It was great fun!  We missed seeing many of you!  We bowled, ate, laughed, had prize drawings, your new Board was sworn in and chapter awards were presented.  Here are the highlights:

Every time a chapter member attended a chapter meeting, their name was entered into a drawing for an Amazon gift card.  Here are the winners:

$200:  Andrea Romanczyk

$100:  Halene Inoke

$50:  Mark McFarland

Congratulations!!  Thank you to all members for supporting the chapter.

End-of-year Chapter Awards were presented to:

Chapter Member of the Year:  Cristina Bean

Chapter Leader of the Year:  Chris Calton

Partner Organization of the Year:  Central Utah Water Conservancy District


As a result of the recent election, a few new faces will be on the board this coming year.  Congratulations to your 2017/2018 board.  They are excited and will do a terrific job.  They are:

Bonnie Banks, President

Chris Calton, Past-President

Mandy McClellan, Vice-President

Susan Mumford, Secretary

Cindi Mansell, Treasurer

Colleen Mulvey, Public Affairs

Jim Madsen, Membership

Maren Slaugh, Hospitality

Cristina Bean, Website

Lastly, I would like to thank my 2016/2017 board for all of the hard work that they each put into making this a great year.

Being on the board is a rewarding experience.  Not only does it benefit you as you exercise leadership skills and network with others, but it provides you with the ability to make the changes that you believe will benefit chapter members.

I hope each chapter member will consider what participating on the board or on a committee will do for them professionally, as well as personally, and commit to going down that road in the future.

Chris Calton, Immediate Past-President (2016/2017)