Welcome to another year at ARMA!! We are very excited to get to meet with you all again and for our upcoming chapter meetings! Some housekeeping, we will continue doing hybrid meetings this year so you can join us virtually or in person for those. If you have any topics or presenters that you’d like us to consider for our meetings, please let Victor know! He’s hard at work getting our year planned and getting our Spring Seminar set up so now is the time if you have suggestions. Don’t forget to join our social media pages as we will post educational or interactive content there that you can’t get elsewhere.
We as a board met in August and decided on our Chapter goals for this year. We feel that these goals encompass the values of and will help build a better future for our Chapter.
Our Chapter Goals this year are as follows:
Engage diverse groups to help improve membership
Centralization of chapter resources
Chapter directory to assist with networking
Looking forward to meeting with you all in a few weeks!!
As you know, our closing social event was last week at Delton Bowling. It was great fun! We missed seeing many of you! We bowled, ate, laughed, had prize drawings, your new Board was sworn in and chapter awards were presented. Here are the highlights:
Every time a chapter member attended a chapter meeting, their name was entered into a drawing for an Amazon gift card. Here are the winners:
$200: Andrea Romanczyk
$100: Halene Inoke
$50: Mark McFarland
Congratulations!! Thank you to all members for supporting the chapter.
End-of-year Chapter Awards were presented to:
Chapter Member of the Year: Cristina Bean
Chapter Leader of the Year: Chris Calton
Partner Organization of the Year: Central Utah Water Conservancy District
As a result of the recent election, a few new faces will be on the board this coming year. Congratulations to your 2017/2018 board. They are excited and will do a terrific job. They are:
Bonnie Banks, President
Chris Calton, Past-President
Mandy McClellan, Vice-President
Susan Mumford, Secretary
Cindi Mansell, Treasurer
Colleen Mulvey, Public Affairs
Jim Madsen, Membership
Maren Slaugh, Hospitality
Cristina Bean, Website
Lastly, I would like to thank my 2016/2017 board for all of the hard work that they each put into making this a great year.
Being on the board is a rewarding experience. Not only does it benefit you as you exercise leadership skills and network with others, but it provides you with the ability to make the changes that you believe will benefit chapter members.
I hope each chapter member will consider what participating on the board or on a committee will do for them professionally, as well as personally, and commit to going down that road in the future.
Chris Calton, Immediate Past-President (2016/2017)
The board met in August to begin the planning process for the 2015/16 Chapter year. One of the goals of the planning meeting is to establish a direction for the year. The board discussed and selected a theme to provide focus for monthly chapter meetings and the Spring Seminar in March. As we discussed ARMA International’s trajectory of the Records and Information Management (RIM) profession it became clear that RIM is a foundational element of a much broader Information Governance movement. The profession is extending its reach beyond “traditional” records. Records Managers are recognizing the need to partner with other key players that are also focused on managing an organization’s information assets. RIM, risk, compliance, legal, and IT all have vital roles to play in the successful governance of information. With that in mind, this year’s theme is “IG: Not Your Grandparents’ RIM Program.”
I am excited for the upcoming program year. We have a strong theme and a board with the energy, experience, and expertise to make this year a great one. We are looking at core principles that have served the profession well while expanding our vision beyond the familiar. Our program this year includes tours, a good mix of presentations from the private and public sectors, and speakers who have never participated with the local chapter as well as some familiar faces. We are also expanding the use of committees to assist board members in their responsibilities.
I am looking forward to seeing you at the monthly meetings, Christmas Social, Spring Seminar, and finally our Closing Social. Participation is key to maximizing the benefits of being a member of the chapter, so come and participate.
Thank you for your support this program year!
Howard Loos ARMA Utah – Salt Lake Chapter President
This year is ARMA Utah – Salt Lake Chapters 30th anniversary! We received some wonderful congratulations from Trevor Mitchell, Director of Member Services for ARMA International, and Helen Streck, Pacific Region Manager for ARMA International. Here’s to another 30 years of exciting opportunities!
ARMA Utah-Salt Lake Chapter President’s Message March 9, 2010
The Importance of Networking in Tough Times
If you are like me (and I know most of you are), one of the things you like about records management is being in the “back office” and out of the limelight. Let’s face it, we like being the expert on a topic that makes everyone else so crazy they just don’t want to think about it. It makes for dull days and going home at a decent hour. We complain that the higher-ups don’t even know we exist, but what are we doing to make sure our message is received by upper management? Probably not nearly as much as we should be, right? We aren’t, as a rule, “glad-handers” who like to meet people and sell them on records management – if we were, we’d be in sales making a whole lot more money!
Now that times are tough, it is even more important to break out of our shell, meet and greet, understand our own organization, create alliances and leverage all available resources. As a records manager, you are in a better position than anyone to understand all the different functions of your organization – really, you probably know more about what makes your organization tick than the CEO or City Manager. Put your knowledge to work internally and build your expertise externally. Get involved in ARMA – we have all kinds of opportunities right here in Utah. Getting involved in chapter leadership will pay dividends you cannot even comprehend until you “just do it”!
You want help and we’ve got it! Start right now by registering for our Spring Seminar – “Records Management Success: Build and Leverage Your Network!”. Then, make a commitment to attend every monthly meeting (they’re free for goodness’ sake!) of the only organization that understands what you go through every day – ARMA Utah-Salt Lake. Make sure you meet someone new at every meeting and learn something about them. If you can’t find a new face, bring one along. Give ideas and get ideas, learn form each other and – oh yeah – have a good time!
In August prior to the start of the new chapter year, we spent an entire day working on a strategic plan which helps us set goals. This is something we’ve done previous years and have found it to be invaluable to the success of our chapter year. The following are some of the goals we were determined to achieve:
Adopt a Budget
Survey Membership
Create New Member Packet
Sponsor LINC Member
Hold Two, 4 hour Workshops
Service Projects (Social and RIM)
Give Back to Vendor Members
Hire a Web Master
COTY Submission
Celebrate Silver Anniversary
Along with updating our Strategic Plan, we also did some financial planning. This year is the first year that we used Reimbursement forms. Now we have a way to identify what part of the budget it comes from and to whom so that it can be verified that it was a budgeted item.
In the past have had a board member without any website knowledge doing this, just whomever was willing to serve. We will continue to pay for a web master. The cost is so minimal compared to what we get for it:
Site is consistently up-to-date
Photos have been added in an organized manner
Chapter Meeting Notices are kept current
More useful to members and others who visit the site.
This year we surveyed the membership (simple phone survey), created a New Member Packet, and added 23 new members, including a LINC member.
The Survey consisted of questions like:
Do you know what your membership provides – most did not understand.
Do you want the newsletter via e-mail or on paper – most would print if e-mailed.
Meeting Date and Time questions – helped us change date to another day.
What could the board do for you in general and as far as programming? – Got ideas
The New Member Packet consisted of bylaw info., member list, chapter pin, beehive (incentive) program explanation, strategic plan info., member certificate, meeting schedule, etc. This first packet was mailed to all members not just new ones based on responses from the survey.
LINC Member
Been on list to sponsor a LINC member for a several years and this year were able to become a LINC sponsor for Richard Batte from Uganda. We did our best to include him in chapter business although he is so far away so we mailed Richard new member packet, created a web link on our website, spotlighted him in the Newsletter and had him write an article about the state of records in Uganda. We anticipated sponsoring his attendance to the ARMA International Conference in Chicago but ultimately were unable to as his plans changed.
CRM Status
This year we had 2 members achieve CRM status! We have 5 more members working towards this goal as well with help from our CRM Liaison, Bruce Bailey.
Cindi Mansell, CRM
DeAnn Wallwork, CRM
Bruce Bailey, CRM Liaison
Chapter Meetings
This year we had monthly educational meetings, 2 socials, and 2 4hr workshops
January Tour of the State Archives
Workshop by Terry Ellis
May Meeting
Holiday Social
Sonya and the group
DeAnn Wallwork Award Recipient
Brent and Bruce
RIM Month Event
Co-sponsored the RIM Month Event which included a tour of new State Archives facility and a Chapter sponsored Hospitality Suite. It was free participation for vendors and 150 people attended the event
This seemed like a good way to pay back vendors. We had a good turnout (approx. 15+ vendors) At the hospitality suite we had cookies and drinks and we displayed an ARMA table cloth, handed out membership forms and information, ordered the Records@Work pamphlets and handed those out (chapter info on them), gave pens with chapter name and website information on them, had a laptop with chapter website information available, and had Board members available and talking to those that came through
Chapter Service Projects
This year we did 3 service projects. The Utah Food Bank (Collected money and food items), Christmas Box House (collected toys, money, and clothing) and a RIM Service Project with the Governors’ administrations.
For the RIM Service Project we donated 51 hours worth of preserving the 2002 Olympic photos and photos from two Governors’ administrations. We spent the day removing photos from storage boxes and envelopes to put into archival quality folders, labeled and organized according to topic – preserving negatives as well.
This was not a project where high skills were needed, but the need to have this done was there. As Records Managers we understood the care needed in handling the photos and slides. It was a good time. We saw some funny pictures – Governor’s bad side, lost cat in office of Capital – Dali Lama visit, etc.
25th Anniversary
Perhaps the most important of all our many activities this year was planning our chapter’s 25th Anniversary! With healthy finances the board wanted to give something extra back to the members, so we chose to give a gift at the closing social/25th anniversary party. The decision was made to redesign the chapter pin for the 25th Anniversary.
The end of the year was marked by the celebration of the 25th year anniversary. It began it with a social mixer about 30 minutes before dinner, which we had never tried before. It turned out to be really fun as people did attend and mingled. We definitely will do this again!
At the dinner we had a memorabilia table, a Beehive Bucks auction, the unveiling of the new pin, and the presentation of the gift bag given to members. The memory table had things like: LINC member info., past newsletters, photos from the past, Chapter awards and certificates, cake, Chapter charter certificate, etc.
We also had the opportunity to take a walk down memory lane with past presidents from the 80’s and 90’s
Terry Ellis, past president from the 90s
Brian Winterowd, CRM, past president from the 80s
And then to swear in the new chapter board for the 2005/2006 year.
Sonya Kintaro
All in all it was a momentous and historic night filled with friends, fun, and good food. We can’t wait to see what Sonya has in store for us in the coming year!