We are excited to have Josh Bullough, Michael Courtney, Todd Johnson, Howard Loos, Mandy McClellan, and Treesa Parker form a panel for our chapter meeting this month! If you’ve been thinking about becoming a Certified Records Manager (CRM) and are interested in professional development opportunities or if you just have questions about the benefits and requirements of becoming a CRM or CRA, this panel is for you! Not only have each of our panelists been through the process, but they are from our very own chapter! So come prepared to ask questions, or submit your questions using this google form and we hope to see you all there!
Who are our Panelists? Each of our panelists have received either their CRA or their CRM Certification. Josh Bullough is the Records Manager for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Michael Courtney is the Director of Archives and Records at the Diocese of Salt Lake City UT. Todd Johnson is our ARMA UT 2020-2021 President and the Records and Information Management Program Manager at Dominion Energy. Howard Loos is the Chief Information Privacy Officer and Director of Information Management at Brigham Young University in Provo. Mandy McClellan is the Records Manager for Central Utah Water Conservancy District. Treesa Parker is a Corporate Document Control Manager for Regulatory Affairs at EnergySolutions. A huge thanks to all of our panelists for participating in this discussion!
When: Thursday, May 20, 2021 11:30am – 1pm
Where: Zoom
Registration for this event is now closed. If you missed this event and would like to view the presentation please go to “Presentations from Monthly Chapter Meetings“. Thank you for attending your ARMA Utah Chapter Meeting.