Thank you to all those who helped out with our UMCOR service project last month! We were able to drop it off at the UMCOR Salt Lake Depot and received this thank you letter! See you all in September for our new season of educational opportunities!
We hope that you all had an awesome time at our 1st Chapter Meeting! We are deep in planning for the next one and can’t wait to bring it to you!
In a nutshell this past year we had:
In August 2003, our Region Manager Steve Gray and Region Coordinator Fred Walden joined us and led us through a strategic planning process.
We pursued a strategic plan for the first time the year prior, and felt it was a worthy process that was critical to the success of the chapter, so went through the process again this year. Thus the title of the document “Continuing the Road to Success 2003-2004”.
We spent an entire day brainstorming, and developing and refining goals and strategies for the success of the Chapter.
We have all heard of the life cycle of a record and that some records never die. Cemetery records are vital records and are required to be kept indefinitely
This was a great opportunity for our Chapter to provide volunteer service to benefit a RIM project. Ogden City Corporation put their cemetery records onto a GIS program. The project requires volunteers to physically go to the cemetery and check headstones to verify the information on the permanent records of the cemetery before the information can be entered into the GIS program.
This project was completed in October, so the advertising was easy since we used an eerie Halloween theme.
This was our best attended meeting this year. Site tours always seem to be a successful event for our Chapter. UDK is a company that goes to various sites and does all types of clean up work. They discussed with us everything from recovery from water damage, to salvaging computers and other electronic items after a fire.
Every other year our Chapter hosts a Spring Seminar that is usually held in conjunction with RIM Month—April. We were fortunate to have Helen Streck, Steve Whitaker & Cathy Palmer as presenters at our seminar. They addressed topics ranging from e-records preservation, to establishing retention schedules, as well as e-mail as a record.
We learned a lesson this year, that we plan to apply in two years from now. Although April was RIM Month, there was not a single week in April that there was not some other event or seminar taking place in Utah. We may hold the seminar at a time other than RIM month in order to avoid this problem in the future. We had 51 attendees, which is not bad, but we believe those numbers could have been at least 30% higher if we had selected a different time frame.
Even with all of the planning for a seminar, we managed to have a little fun at dinner the evening before.
Last year in conjunction with hosting the Pacific Region Leadership Conference we tried something completely different for our closing social. In past years we had hosted a picnic in June. It was usually poorly attended, and consistently the weather was not our friend. Last year, we had an evening event that included a speaker and a silent auction. We did the same this year. We had motivational speaker, Boyd Casselman, speak to us about relationships, we recognized chapter members with awards, and inducted the new board members. This year rather than a silent auction, it was a very active, and anything but silent auction.
Last year we created a chapter pin, so this year we utilized it as a speaker gift and presented each of our speakers with a pin.
Also, last year was the first year we pursued the phony money “Beehive Bucks” program, and did the same this year. We think as the years go by, the word will get around about the importance of participating in the Chapter in order to get the beehive bucks and having that money to spend on valuable prizes at the end of the Chapter year.
We look forward to another successful Chapter year.