In President's Message

2015/2016 President’s Message

ARMA Utah-Salt Lake Chapter
September 2015

IG: Not Your Grandparents’ RIM Program

Dear Chapter,

The board met in August to begin the planning process for the 2015/16 Chapter year. One of the goals of the planning meeting is to establish a direction for the year. The board discussed and selected a theme to provide focus for monthly chapter meetings and the Spring Seminar in March. As we discussed ARMA International’s trajectory of the Records and Information Management (RIM) profession it became clear that RIM is a foundational element of a much broader Information Governance movement. The profession is extending its reach beyond “traditional” records. Records Managers are recognizing the need to partner with other key players that are also focused on managing an organization’s information assets. RIM, risk, compliance, legal, and IT all have vital roles to play in the successful governance of information. With that in mind, this year’s theme is “IG: Not Your Grandparents’ RIM Program.”

I am excited for the upcoming program year. We have a strong theme and a board with the energy, experience, and expertise to make this year a great one. We are looking at core principles that have served the profession well while expanding our vision beyond the familiar. Our program this year includes tours, a good mix of presentations from the private and public sectors, and speakers who have never participated with the local chapter as well as some familiar faces. We are also expanding the use of committees to assist board members in their responsibilities.

I am looking forward to seeing you at the monthly meetings, Christmas Social, Spring Seminar, and finally our Closing Social. Participation is key to maximizing the benefits of being a member of the chapter, so come and participate.

Thank you for your support this program year!


Howard Loos
ARMA Utah – Salt Lake Chapter President

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