Dear Chapter Members:
As you know, our closing social event was last week at Delton Bowling. It was great fun! We missed seeing many of you! We bowled, ate, laughed, had prize drawings, your new Board was sworn in and chapter awards were presented. Here are the highlights:
Every time a chapter member attended a chapter meeting, their name was entered into a drawing for an Amazon gift card. Here are the winners:
$200: Andrea Romanczyk
$100: Halene Inoke
$50: Mark McFarland
Congratulations!! Thank you to all members for supporting the chapter.
End-of-year Chapter Awards were presented to:
Chapter Member of the Year: Cristina Bean
Chapter Leader of the Year: Chris Calton
Partner Organization of the Year: Central Utah Water Conservancy District
As a result of the recent election, a few new faces will be on the board this coming year. Congratulations to your 2017/2018 board. They are excited and will do a terrific job. They are:
Bonnie Banks, President
Chris Calton, Past-President
Mandy McClellan, Vice-President
Susan Mumford, Secretary
Cindi Mansell, Treasurer
Colleen Mulvey, Public Affairs
Jim Madsen, Membership
Maren Slaugh, Hospitality
Cristina Bean, Website
Lastly, I would like to thank my 2016/2017 board for all of the hard work that they each put into making this a great year.
Being on the board is a rewarding experience. Not only does it benefit you as you exercise leadership skills and network with others, but it provides you with the ability to make the changes that you believe will benefit chapter members.
I hope each chapter member will consider what participating on the board or on a committee will do for them professionally, as well as personally, and commit to going down that road in the future.
Chris Calton, Immediate Past-President (2016/2017)